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Your contact for carnival, festivals and traditional costumes
The 'Folk&Gold' project was born from the idea of creating a collection of the best national costumes from all over the world in one place. After all, there are 4000 to 5000 cultures on earth. The traditions of each of these cultures are unique and the costumes themselves are truly beautiful works of art. By combining the craftsmanship of the world's national costumes with the latest technology, we have created a marketplace that offers the world's products
Your SME Security- und Software Engineering Partner
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the process landscape of Swiss companies. We believe that every SME needs a competent and agile sparring partner in order to build a sustainable and cost-efficient infrastructure. We advise our clients on topics such as IT security, application development, IT outsourcing and digital marketing. Our employees and partners have many years of diverse experience in IT projects to ensure expertise in the specific field. With creative and customized solutions, we make our customers fit for the digital age

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Many companies in Switzerland are already working with Talismanit AG. Find out who has chosen to partner with us. Out of consideration for our partners and to maintain discretion, references are only disclosed in certain circumstances
Contact Us
T: 061 383 72 75
Talismanit AG
Mülhauserstrasse 140
4056 Basel

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